Welcome to Suzie Shambles Design’s FAQ page, where you can find the answer to most commonly asked questions! If however you need more information then drop me a message via our contact page.

Do you do custom orders?

Yes! I love taking custom orders. This can be in the way of any ideas you have for specific designs, or if you have any dried flowers at home from an occasion that you would love to keep forever then you are more than welcome to post them to me and I will do my best to create whatever you have in mind.


Do you ship internationally?

Of course - all shipping will be calculated at checkout!


How quickly after ordering will I receive my item?

I aim to have your orders posted out within a few days of purchasing, however life often gets busy as it’s just me behind the scenes. In the unlikely chance that there are any significant delays with posting your item(s), I will contact you directly! Most orders are posted within 1 week of completion.