Behind The Brand

Hi, I’m Suzie - the face behind the Suzie Shambles Design Brand!
My small business journey began in 2020 at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, where I found myself totally in a rut with everyday life and nowhere to channel my creative energy. I began picking flowers on walks and pressing them, and wanted to find a way to preserve them. Enter - earrings! My earring collection began getting out of control and I made the jump to start trying to sell what I’d made, which slowly took off and brought us to where we are today!
Since then, I have branched out to clay jewellery, homeware, hand printed tote bags and stationary (to name a few other things!) 
I am beyond grateful for any and every sale that I make, which will be packaged with love and eco-friendly packaging. All orders come with a thank you card that can be doubled as an art print too - what more could you want!